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Director of Deep Insight, Kul Verma, holds a doctorate in Black Officer Progression in the police, and as a former senior police officer, Kul's experience inspired a study on the barriers faced by Black and Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) officers. 

As a team, Deep Insight has an unrivalled detailed and unique knowledge of delivering Diversity and Inclusion (DI) interventions. The team have personally conducted evidence-based research to inform our practice in delivering change in the approach and outcome of ED&I. 

The ambition to be truly representative exists across all sectors, and the team are proud to have been trusted by public and private sector clients alike to examine cultural bias and the blocks to free voice. Deep Insight pride themselves on their ability to create a safe learning environment, that allows for real conversations, conversations often avoided or feared.

Deep Insight programmes are approved through the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) and the team are considered leading subject matter experts for DI nationally and internationally.

Brave Organisations have
courageous conversations

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